Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Haiz... Today quite a depressing day... I slept at only 1.30am in the morning and I had only 4h 30 min of sleep. I woke up at only 6.00am as I was too sleepy and couldn't hear my alarm clock "calling" me. Then, I rushed through and prepared everything to go school. I even skipped breakfast because of waking up late. Then, during home economics, we cooked curry chicken. The curry tasted ok, but when I poured it into the container, the container turned soft(We suspected "melting"). We immediately soaked the container of curry into a bowl of water, changing water every 5min. Haiz... Later on, during the last period, Science, it was our science presentation time. I was relieved when the teacher did not called my name in the 10 names who need to present. But after a few presenters, teacher called me! It was due to presenters not prepared and skipping their turn. Of course, I'm not prepared also... Sian... I need to memorise a whole chunk of words. I just ransacked my house to find the freaking laser, cause my topic for Science is on "lasers".

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sry, quite long never post liao. I've been slacking the past few days as I don't feel like posting. Today, my class had to run 2.4km for Test and my timing improved by a lot. Last year my timing was 12min 55s. This year my timing is... 11min 15s. I got A. After that, at 12.20pm, we had a talk by the famous ex-representative swimmer of singapore. He broke so many records in swimming, as many as 10. After his talk, we had international understaning day. It was 'fun' and hot. It was so crowded, making it hard to pass. The 12 classes did on different countries and sadly, ChoonZuan and I can't find any food. Sian. When we were dismissed, I still need to go training. (T.T) I'm so pitiful. Haiz... To end off this post, I shall write this sentence.

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Today is another day. In the morning I thought I missed the bus again but lucky never miss. I've been missing buses for like more than 5 times in a row. In the middle of the lessons, wushu people need to go off early for their competition, which is held quite late. Sad... During Maths lesson, we did Maths wizard. I join another group and just caused them to lose 2 marks. I calculate 8x8 as 8x6. Haiz... Feel so guilty. Btw, people who visit my blog please tag at the tagbaord! It's so isolated over there. After lessons, I had Maths Talent class, where we had a test to see if we are ready to prepare for Maths competition. I only know 8/18 questions! I want to pass the test! Hope that the other MCQ questions I guess will get correct answers. After Maths Talent, I wanted to go training but got "Pang Se" by my seniors and friend. When I was waiting for bus to come, the heavy rain drenched me. My shorts and shirts were wet and so were my head, arms and legs. Btw, My arm hurts. Today played too much arm-wrestling with classmates and did pull-ups. Ow, it hurts.