Haiz... Today quite a depressing day... I slept at only 1.30am in the morning and I had only 4h 30 min of sleep. I woke up at only 6.00am as I was too sleepy and couldn't hear my alarm clock "calling" me. Then, I rushed through and prepared everything to go school. I even skipped breakfast because of waking up late. Then, during home economics, we cooked curry chicken. The curry tasted ok, but when I poured it into the container, the container turned soft(We suspected "melting"). We immediately soaked the container of curry into a bowl of water, changing water every 5min. Haiz... Later on, during the last period, Science, it was our science presentation time. I was relieved when the teacher did not called my name in the 10 names who need to present. But after a few presenters, teacher called me! It was due to presenters not prepared and skipping their turn. Of course, I'm not prepared also... Sian... I need to memorise a whole chunk of words. I just ransacked my house to find the freaking laser, cause my topic for Science is on "lasers".

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