Anybody interested to find a holiday job with me?
Pls leave a message at the tagboard.
Sorry... Can't find any english ones.
Today played basketball.
Don't have the mood to blog nowadays, especially today. I just finished 6/8 papers(English P1, Chinese P1, Geography, History, Science and MATHS). Today finished the worst maths paper I ever had. I was careless for some questions and some of it I can't think of how to do as there were too many formulaes and methods in my brain. Never mind... As Tseng Wei have said, just hope that the A1s in the other 3 terms will pull my maths up.(Not bragging, but just preparing for the worst) The other papers were quite okay and there's 2 more papers to go! But I think now everyone have already gone into holiday mood already. And I'm addicted to... Drugs! Kidding, addicted to Jay Chou's 花海. Must go listen. Thank you for your time and I hope you can reply me soon.